for my first post, please check out todo.txt
i thought I was gonna write some fancy rust->md parser but now i feel like handcrafted html is where it's at. we'll see. maybe this homepage stays the same but i have a blog or something that needs it. or i can load these lists in manually and change the dividers as i like. computers can really do anything these days. partials for the header would be nice at least
i don't own a smartphone and i don't have internet in my house. i think i'll just edit this html instead of tweeting
my flip phone's browser loads this ok, I have to zoom out manually. hopefully it's nice on other ppl's phones.
books im reading rn:
the bible
paradise lost
canterbury tales
best remembered poems
internet things i've been looking at lately:
simon sarris' blog and site. now that i am 22 years old and about to graduate it is time for me to buy a plot of land and settle down with a beautiful wife in a beautiful home. before i get those things i will settle into this nice beautiful website. i think u call this "breadcrumbing."
rust book, accompanied by rustlings
sympathetic opposition's substack, which is excellent
favorite books of 2024:
anna karenina
in watermelon sugar
tricky business
the going is slow but slow is going